Light color wooden custom designed furniture for a house

Source: Chiffini
Time: 2020-08-22 11:29:19

This is a nice house with a whitewashed wall and big windows. The custom-designed furniture are in light wooden or light color. They make the room bright enough in the daytime.

1. Kitchen

For that custom-designed furniture, the kitchen cabinet is the most important part. This is a u-shaped kitchen along the wall towards the dining area. An island with a breakfast table is located in the middle. To have a neat looking, this kitchen is handleless design - there are 45 degree beveled edges on the door panels as finger-pull.

custom-designed kitchen furniture

2. Closet

To provide a simple look to matching the other custom-designed furniture, the closets in bedrooms are built-in and fixed from floor to ceiling. Long, slim handles are fixed on the edges of door panels. The upper smaller doors are without handles - they are push-opened.

custom-designed closet furniture

3. Bathroom vanity

The same idea as the other custom furniture, the main body of bathroom vanities is a wooden pattern and pure white worktop. The vanities here are short and floating on the wall, which is easy for cleaning, and provide enough space for sitting.

custom-designed vanity furniture

The general idea of them is natural, simple, and quiet. How do you think about this type of custom furniture? Or what kind of interior style you will prefer?

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